Hi, I'm Steve (see me eating a tin of cold beans for breakfast below)
I'm the creator of Dull.club and i could only see it fitting that I create the first welcome post to the club.
I was inspired to create a place for people with odd interests and utter dullness to share their interests, and even inspire others.
I come to the conclusion that even liking a particular car brand and staying faithful to it is even dull, Talking about my car on a forum and doing things to it and because none of my friends are interested in my car interests so that makes me dull (to them) Even things like counting legs on a spider, checking the chicken eggs are not cracked, putting crumbs out for the ants and watch them take it away, or making it a challenge to not cut the lawn and get the kids Guinea pigs to do the job for me, a task of moving the cage across the grass in sync to make sure it's all cut even. Complete and utter dullness... but to myself, I love it!
So here we have a new community to draw others together (we are all dull in our own way) to pull together and see if there are any common dull interests.
So, if you are reading this then I guess you are dull as well, so sign up and see you soon 😄