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Dull Admin
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Everything posted by Steve

  1. even in his music he has to have a ciggie on. Very controversial song back in the day
  2. Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin were a couple for 12 years. Definately think he was punching above his weight. Serge also reported to smoke 60-90 filterless ciggies a day. Great song though, reminds me when i was younger and hearing the noise these two were making. lol
  3. i see the old one that has been parked up for years at Bournemouth airport is being scrapped.
  4. i had a whole double bedroom , 2/3 of it was boarded with railway on top. spent many hours in there, just wished my old man bought me more stuff for it. Had all the Yeoman trucks with ballast, class 56 loco or class 47 would pull them fully loaded. had to be careful as too fast and would topple around the corners and you would have loads of grit everywhere. Had signals, both types as well so would do night shift stuff.. was brill. Mate used to come round with his Lima steam loco and a drop of 3&1 in the funnel and it would puff smoke rings.. not sure if your supposed to do that or not. seemed fun at the time.
  5. this was the missus making me get the BBQ out in November. Way to much excitement for a Novembers evening
  6. These guys have really gone to town on this model railways. They produced this video with all the sounds to go along with it as well. Real blast from the days of standing on a railway station as a kid.
  7. I was mesmerised by poking the fire. Then thought it would look cool in slow mo. 20241108_161747.mp4
  8. bit like that on the keyboard as well lol
  9. I was at a party and having some great chit chats as you do. One convo that got me wondering is when someone mentioned to me that humans could be the Aliens on earth, Err how? i asked. Well for a start why can humans not stand bright sunlight in their eyes, but animals don't have this issue? Why do humans get sun burn in the sun? But animals have the solution. I am sure there is lot more to it. What if the Aliens we perceive are actually the natural inhabitants and we are the invading Alien, learning to cohabitate on earth? This is way to bloody exciting.
  10. I was watching a documentary about time travel, yes i did fall asleep but it;s interesting and I have always had a fascination on time travel. The things I think about but cannot wrap my head round it properly. 1. Why do we always talk about the past as if it was behind us, when it could be in front of us? We always talk about our past relatives as descendants but on a family tree they are in front, above us. 2. What if there is already time in front of us, a life being lived by someone else ahead. So material things like trees, grass, monuments, castles, rivers etc.etc. were left to us from the future, all this happened years before. Freaks me out lol Funny.. just came across this video
  11. 😄 I am Super dull!
  12. Ive been wondering what kind on concoction you would make if you soaked that mattress and squeezed out the water. Would it be like a salty soup or not?
  13. thought my ice cream tasted woody 😄
  14. I used to love guiness when i was 16... but not fond of it anymore. I do like a good Ale though
  15. i do both of those
  16. depends on the moon the previous night lol
  17. better things are boring that too lively,
  18. Horse is not alive lol
  19. check this out, never knew the actual house existed. but here it is in all its glory. I love history
  20. used to like it but lately i think beans have been tasting crappy.
  21. how did they achieve this, i thnk this is a case of you only pay tax on the plot
  22. Nothing beats a bloody big christmas dinner, with lashings of gravy on top, then struggle to move all day Whats your favourite meal?
  23. I have watched loads of Minder recently... ave im tel! I absolutely love Some Mothers do ave' em. Just really love that stuff. Some do not stand the test of time though, Watched some cannon and ball shows and did not feel the same as when i was a kid.
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